touchpad Computer Science

Touchpad Computer Science
Class 11
- Definition: Contains definition of Java elements
- Notes: Provides a tip to the user which is relevant to the current topics
- Some More Programs: Contains additional program related to the
topic. - Most Common Mistakes in Programming: Contains an overview of
some of the common mistakes that programmers often make while
Previous Year Questions: To understand previous year’s questions
pattern - Internal Assessment: Totally practical oriented and helps the students
in acquiring basic programming skills quickly and efficiently - Sample Projects: Contains a real-life application to use the concepts
learnt - Glossary: Contains definition of important IT terms

Touchpad Computer Science
Class 12
- Definition: Contains definition of Java elements
- Notes: Provides a tip to the user which is relevant to the current topics
- Some More Programs: Contains additional program related to the
topic. - Most Common Mistakes in Programming: Contains an overview of
some of the common mistakes that programmers often make while
Previous Year Questions: To understand previous year’s questions
pattern - Internal Assessment: Totally practical oriented and helps the students
in acquiring basic programming skills quickly and efficiently - Sample Projects: Contains a real-life application to use the concepts
learnt - Glossary: Contains definition of important IT terms