About Orange Education
Orange Education is a group of educationists, mentors and strategists who believe in bringing out tech-driven educational solutions for fostering the intellect of students and assist them to bridge with the practical world to unearth their talents.
With a futuristic vision – “To empower the learners with the best computer education, technical skills and coding that will unlock opportunities for a better India”, Orange Education has evolved as a renowned brand.
The world has been moving rapidly towards new technology and better lifestyle. To keep up with these advancements Orange Education is moving forward at an equal pace. We are motivated by these changes to produce best tech-driven educational products that will enable the students and teachers meet their needs and achieve new heights.
Our role model, Late Shri Suresh Chander Gupta always wanted young Indians to be educated for the betterment of the country. With his endeavor, we have created an entirely new platform for education, which acts as a catalyst to simulate the young minds to dream big and accomplish pinnacle.
We have a variety of products like:
-OGO (ORANGE GLOBAL OLYMPIADS) for School and National Level
– Mind Maps (Based on NCERT)
– TouchCode Coding Classes
Leadership Team
Mr. Atul Gupta, Chairman
Mr. Ankur Gupta
Mr. Vidit Gupta
Mr. Sandeep Solanki
The Team
The team at Orange Education understands the true value of content. Our team includes:
- Experienced Academicians who are practicing teachers or principals from reputed schools and colleges.
- Skilled, dedicated and enthusiastic editors who go that extra mile to develop quality content.
- Experienced and skilled DTP operators, designers and digital artists.
- Techno-savvy Support engineers & Technology Coordinators.
- Highly dedicated sales and marketing professionals.
How we Make Books!
School education plays the most important role in a child’s life therefore, it is our endeavour to articulate books that are both child-friendly and impart maximum knowledge to the children, maintaining the standards. A dedicated team of professionals in the domains of editorial, finance, marketing and sales constantly strive to move ahead.