Computer Genius
Class 1
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 2
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 3
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 4
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 5
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 6
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 7
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement

Computer Genius
Class 8
- Learning Outcomes: describes the objective of the topic
- Let’s Recap: links back to previous knowledge before starting the lesson
- Let’s Refresh: presents the summary of the topic for quick recapitulation
- Notes: practical information or a tip
- Do you know?: interesting computer facts
- Quest: helps recall a part of the lesson quickly
- Lab Activity: a lab activity to develop practical skills for subject enrichment
- AI Game: an interesting game or activity for the students
- Tech Value: focuses on ethical values to help you become a better human being
- Exercise: a variety of questions to reinforce the concepts learned in the topic
- Fun Zone: questions to reinforce the concepts, including puzzle-based and competencybased questions
- Periodic Assessment & Test Sheet: 4 periodic assessments and 2 test sheets
- Competency-based/Application-based questions: focuses on the student’s demonstration
of learning outcomes and attaining proficiency in competencies in the subject - Practical Assessment: an assessment to challenge the students to apply the practical concepts
learned - Info Hub: contains new and trending topics for add-on knowledge as supplement